Please note that there is a difference in cover between Therapy Treatments and Wellbeing & Alternative Therapies, and these can differ between plans.
Wellbeing & Alternative Therapies typically covers Acupressure, Allergy Testing/Food Intolerance Testing, Aromatherapy, Hypnotherapy, Indian Head Massage, Nutritional Therapy, Reflexology, Reiki. These are not covered in our Good4you plan.
Therapy Treatments typically covers Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Homeopathy and Osteopathy. These are covered in our Good4you plan.
For more information on how to find an approved practitioner please click here.
Please note, these details are intended as a general guide. For exact information about what’s covered in your plan, please refer to your plan guide. You can access it by logging in to My Westfield or by contacting our customer care team on 0114 250 2000 (available 8:30am–5:30pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays).