Manual workers in industries such as construction, manufacturing and logistics have specific health and wellbeing needs, especially when it comes to mental health, rest, and recovery.

Mental health is a challenge across all sectors, but almost half of employees in manual-working industries say it’s impacting them at work. With 49% saying it affects their productivity, there’s a tangible impact for employers and colleagues alike.

Manual workers want to be proactive about their wellbeing — they place a high value on workplace initiatives such as health screenings and 24/7 access to appointments. Committing to support them with this doesn’t have to require a huge financial investment — it’s all about channelling your resources where they’re needed most.

What health issues affect manual workers?

Two of the biggest issues impacting manual workers are mental health and musculoskeletal problems. And because people in these sectors usually work on-site or in the field, it can be difficult to provide support via digital channels. In-person communication is important to them, and when it comes to physical wellbeing, functional mobility spaces can help them recover from a tiring workday.

In January 2025, we asked 2,000 employees about their experiences of workplace wellbeing, their organisational culture and their mental health to find out what support they really need.

The research identified three key areas where employers can make improvements to better support their people. The good news is that manual workers tend to be looking for some simple health support at work, so leaders can make a big impact without a huge investment.

Larger businesses might find their employee experience differs across different departments, so a tailored, consultative approach is worth exploring to maximise reach. And remember — while this data helps outline some common trends, there’s no substitute for gathering feedback from across your own business.

Mental health is impacting productivity

Mental health is impacting productivity

Almost half (49%) of workers surveyed say their mental health has impacted their productivity in the last 12 months, and 43% took time off work to recovery from a mental health issue.

But the issue may run deeper. More than a third (38%) who haven’t asked for support gave reasons such as a lack of time or fear of stigma preventing them from seeking help.

Access to support is a major worry

Access to support is a major worry

Almost two-thirds (62%) of manual workers say it’s harder to get health appointments recently, and 1 in 3 have no wellbeing support at work.

Manual workers aren’t looking for expensive solutions — the most valued wellbeing benefits in these sectors are health check ups (24%), mental health days off (22%) and access to a gym (20%).

Company culture could be holding them back

Company culture could be holding them back

Manual workers value company culture, yet less than half of them (44%) say their manager is there for wellbeing support.

The most important quality for managers in these sectors is being understanding and compassionate (72%), so training in mental health conversations could go a long way to improving the employee experience for manual workers.

Free report on manual worker wellbeing

The link between employee wellbeing, productivity and business performance is well established. This free, short report shares data-based insights and potential priority areas for your business.

Find out how manual workers feel about their employee experience, what challenges they face and how to make a start towards improving their health and wellbeing. It’s designed to help HR and business leaders invest their wellbeing spend where it really counts.

Key findings include…

49% of workers say their mental health impacted their productivity.

Mental health and MSK problems are the biggest issues for manual workers – 43% took time off due to mental health in 2024.

A third of employees have no wellbeing support at work.

A third of employees have no wellbeing support at work, and 43% say it’s harder to get health appointments recently.

Most-wanted wellbeing initiatives.

Health check ups, mental health days off and gym access are their most-wanted wellbeing initiatives.

81% of workers say workplace wellbeing support is useful for them.

81% of workers say workplace wellbeing support is useful for them, yet only 45% have been asked what they need.

Download the report now

Resources and solutions for manual workers

Solution: Mental Health First Aid

Courses designed to raise awareness and reduce stigma

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Blog post:

How an Active Space can improve employee productivity

Read now

Course: Mental Health Skills for Managers

This course is ideal for people managers at all levels across an organisation.

View now

Solution: Strategic consultancy

We work with you to provide a “whole of population” wellbeing programme that elevates your solution beyond fitness to encompass both mental and physical health, and which offers access to remote and hybrid workers.

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