Returning to work after the Christmas break is always tough. Your bank balance is looking a little worse for wear and the cold, dark mornings and nights make it harder than ever motivate yourself.
But don’t lose faith in January just yet: as a leading health and wellbeing company we at Westfield Health have come up with a few ‘little pockets of positivity’ to get you through to February.

A walking lunch
Cheryl from our Marketing team said: “One way I tackle the possibility of losing focus at work is to make sure that when I have my lunch break, I always get out of the office.
“Even if it is just a walk around town, I call a friend or family member and chat with them to take my mind off work for an hour and get some fresh air. When I go back into the office, my mind is refreshed – it definitely works for me.”
Take sleep seriously
A common habit people find themselves getting into when you’re not feeling 100% is a poor sleep pattern. According to a poll of 2,000 working adults across the UK between the ages of 20-40, the average worker gets just five hours’ sleep a night.
This is something we take seriously at Westfield Health, so our staff can seek the support of James Wilson, AKA the Sleep Geek. His sleep education programme helps them achieve better quality sleep so they’re more alert and productive in the day.
Stay hydrated
Jessica from the Digital team finds drinking plenty of water through the day helps her to stay more alert during the darker winter days. She said: “I’m trying to make sure I drink at least eight glasses of water every day now. As well as keeping hydrated to stop me feeling sluggish, I find it boosts my mood when I check in with the team to see if anyone else wants a drink while I make one, and stepping away from my desk offers a good screen break too!”
Start your day off right
Chris from the Finance team is making sure he wakes up early to get to the gym before starting work, “It makes me feel more awake and energized, ready to start the day. I also find it puts me in a more positive frame of mind as I feel like I have been productive before the day has even started.”
There are lots of little things that can help people to stay positive at work during January. At Westfield Health we like to think of them as ‘little pockets of positivity’. Work always has its ups and downs but there are small steps and ways which we can look after ourselves to keep us smiling… maybe January isn’t as bad as you first thought.
It’s important to be aware that anyone can feel blue any day of the week, month or year. You can get support and advice on mental health through organisations such as Mind or the Samaritans.