We’ve come to the end of May — Living Streets’ National Walking Month — and it’s been quite a journey. With our Walking Lunch campaign, we invited you to spend your lunchbreak getting in at least a 20-minute walk, then log your steps on our Walking Lunch portal.
Walking Lunch participants have collectively logged a total of 69 million steps. That’s over 50,000km – more than the circumference of the earth!
We’d like to thank everyone who got involved, got out and about and saw more of their local area in the process.
As inactivity is one of the biggest threats to our health, getting people on their feet and walking is something we are passionate about. Even for just 20 minutes, walking is proven to have great physical and mental health benefits. It can make you feel better inside and out — so it’s been fantastic to see so many people getting involved in our campaign.

We’ve loved seeing all your posts on social media and we’re delighted so many of you discovered parts of your local area that you have never come across before by using the Crumbs Trail App we sponsored for the month, along with our National Walking Month partners, the UK’s walking charity Living Streets.
Despite the campaign finishing, there’s absolutely no reason not to keep walking and exploring during your lunch break, or to keep using the hashtag #WalkingLunch to share your experiences!
We’d also like to thank Carol Vorderman for supporting our campaign. Already a big advocate of walking, Carol discovered a lot about her local city, Bristol by following the Crumbs app. Hear about why Carol supported the campaign below.
We’ll be contacting winners of our individual and team prizes over the coming days.
Once again thank you to everyone who has taken part, and keep walking!