As with any new business initiative, it’s important to gather evidence to support your case. This might include third-party research that demonstrates how wellbeing impacts businesses across the UK. There’s a growing body of research into the business benefits of employee wellbeing to explore but these five key findings are a great starting point:
1. Employees value wellbeing support
Over two-thirds (70%) of UK employees say they find their workplace wellbeing support useful and a quarter (25%) use it every month,1 according to Westfield Health research from February 2023.
2. Mental health support can drive a huge return on investment
The latest report from Deloitte suggests organisations see a return of £5.30 on average for every £1 invested in workplace wellbeing — not surprising when businesses typically lose £705 per employee per year to mental health absences alone.
3. Businesses risk losing top talent if their support is inadequate
More than 8 in 10 UK workers expect their employer to address health and wellbeing, according to research by Pearson. If employees change jobs due to lack of support, businesses will spend an average of £6,400 in recruitment costs to replace them.
4. Wellbeing impacts productivity
Research from the University of Sheffield shows a strong positive relationship between mental health and productivity. This is consistently reflected in self-reported data, including our annual workplace wellbeing survey1 where 51% of people said their mental health has impacted their productivity in the past year.
5. Businesses can measure wellbeing outcomes to ensure ROI
Less than half of employees (43%) are aware of their employer measuring employee wellbeing and having a strategy to improve it1. This provides a real opportunity to guarantee your strategy provides value — and stand out as an employer who cares.
Download the key findings infographic
¹ The Westfield Health Workplace Wellbeing Survey asked over 2,000 UK employees about their experiences with wellbeing initiatives to find out what support they value most.